How to Avoid Losing Search Engine Rankings During a Website Refresh

One key to a thriving business is an engaging website that inspires customer conversions. A well-designed B2B-friendly site is particularly beneficial to drive growth in manufacturing. However, creating a good website isn’t just a one-and-done deal. Over time, sites can go stale and require a redesign to keep engagement levels high. 

The challenge when redesigning is ensuring you don’t lose your rankings. Even if you currently have strong SEO with high search engine rankings, a redesign can throw those numbers off if you aren’t careful. Plus, your customers are familiar with your site, so you also want to be mindful of retaining a quality experience for loyal users.  

To avoid plummeting SEO rankings, use this blog as a guide. You’ll learn everything you need to preserve your search engine rankings during a redesign and keep your users happy. 

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SEO, website redesign

SEO Tips, Tricks, and Changes Ahead in 2017

The changing landscape of SEO comes from both the search engine itself and from the searchers. On top of that, the content strategies of millions of marketers are evolving to address those same changes. All this puts you in a tough spot. How do you keep up and respond to the competition for viewers?

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7 Hot Digital Marketing Trends to Continue in 2017

This has been an exciting year in digital marketing. As technology continues to improve and more businesses invest in digital, the competition for attention online is increasing, but the consumer experiences continue to get better and better because of it. It is proof that competition in the marketplace can be a great thing and make us all better at what we do. Here are some digital marketing trends your company should be thinking about for 2017 to stay in the game and come out ahead:

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SEO, video, marketing trends, digital

Six Basic SEO Tips for 2016

Coming up with a good keyword strategy is difficult, especially in this day and age when everyone knows the benefit of having their site search engine optimized. With every site on the Internet trying to lay claim to their own little space on the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) it becomes incredibly important to know how you can get yourself near the top of the results pages. With that in mind, here are six important tips to take into account for your search engine optimization.

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How to Easily Improve Search Engine Rankings With Hubspot

Search. This is something that has not only seemed like a vague, mysterious world for anyone outside of marketing but also to many marketers for many years. I know many who have, dare I say, pretty much abandoned search engine optimization (SEO) strategies because they don't really trust what anyone is saying out there about what really works. They believe they're just going to end up going into a rabbit hole and never getting that time back in their life.

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SEO, Strategy, inbound marketing

A Six Step Blogging Check List

Blogging appears to be a permanent resident in the house of great marketing, but writing something helpful for your readers can be much more difficult than you’d think. Your audience is probably drowning in irrelevant search engine results, social media posts and spam already, making it exceedingly difficult to stand out amongst the clutter.

Fortunately, there are ways to check your writing to ensure it will not only be visible, but easily understood and actionable. 

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SEO, Content, Blogging

How Google Has Changed the World of Business Marketing

This week a colleague sent me a Business Insider article with a series of screen shots from the "coolest websites in 1996."

They're horrifying.

They look more like something you might see on Tetris or Super Nintendo (remember those?) than websites for big, serious names like Fidelity, American Express, or Bank of America.

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SEO, Content, Blogging, Websites

Why Good Content Is So Important to Your Search Rankings Now

For the last two-to-three years, a revolution has been taking place in the world of SEO optimization and search engine page ranking (SERP).

If you're keeping abreast of online marketing trends—and what dental or medical practice isn't—you've probably heard of them: the algorithm changes like Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird that Google started rolling out in 2011. But they're worth hearing about again, because these changes mark a momentous shift in search, and hence in your success at attracting new patients through your web and social media marketing efforts.

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Social Media, SEO, Dentists, Healthcare

Why A Blog Is So Important For Your Bottom Line


Are you wondering why someone might take the time to write a blog or pay to have one professionally written and managed by someone else for their business's website?

Because it works.

Blogs have evolved a lot in the past 10 or so years when they were first people rambling their thoughts in their basement for the world to read. Now, they're a serious source of business.

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Social Media, SEO, Strategy, Content, Inbound, Email, Blogging, Advertising

What Is Google+, And How Can It Promote Your Practice?

By now, you have likely heard of Google+. You might have even taken a peek at it, but are less than convinced that you need to be using it.

Every dentist, doctor or specialist with an office vying for patients would do well to look again.

Google+ is part of Google, the search engine behemoth that today largely defines search engine ranking, which in turn largely decides the success of your practice’s online marketing efforts. Opening a platform with the Google name is like entering real estate from a family named Trump or politics from one named Bush. You draw attention because of who or what stands behind you.

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Social Media, SEO, Dentists, Advertising, Healthcare

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