How to Create a Kick Ass Lead Generation Strategy

To quote The Profit’s Marcus Lemonis, “Business success is about the three P's: People, Process and Product." That applies to your company’s lead generation strategy for its growth goals too. How so? It takes the same combination of elements and discipline to really drive sustainable growth by continuously bringing in great leads.

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sales, inbound marketing, outbound marketing, lead generation

Five Tips for Making a Video That Doesn’t Suck

In the Age of the Internet, video is king. When was the last time you just had to check out that “viral essay” everyone was reading? Never. But a viral video? You’ve seen hundreds of them by now. If you want to reach a broad audience, a video is the best way to do it.

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inbound selling, inbound marketing, video

How an Editor Can Take Your Content from Good to Great

We have all read blogs with glaring errors in the text. I’m not talking about the difference between “that” and “which,” but errors that change the entire meaning of the sentence. For instance, take this headline from “Man Runs after Mountain Lion in His Underwear.” Why was a mountain lion in underwear?! A simple review by a copy editor would have stopped this hilarious mistake. Obviously, the reader knows that it was the man and not the animal in underwear, but instead the title takes away from the actual story.

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inbound marketing, editing, writing

Tips for Writing Informative Downloads for Inbound Marketing Campaigns

Inbound marketing is designed to attract people to your website by providing remarkable content that helps them solve problems in their research process.

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Inbound, inbound marketing, downloads, offers, writing

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