Harrison Okins

Harrison Okins is a California-based web designer/developer who spends his time creating beautiful and functional things. He also thoroughly enjoys laser tag and typography.

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How to Track Your Ad Campaigns More Effectively

Online advertising campaigns play a leading role in reaching your target market, but how do you know the right people are getting your message? How do you know that your hard-earned advertising budget is being spent in the right place and that you're actually getting a reasonable rate of return? 

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Analytics, Advertising, ROI

Four Sure-Fire Ways to Create a Stellar Mobile Site


As a small business owner, you know the importance of the Internet to your company — in attracting customers, advertising your services or merchandise, and competing more effectively with the big guys.

And you likely know, or have noticed, that people access the Internet in various ways, from desktops and laptops to, increasingly, smartphones and tablets. We're focusing on mobile here, because your business likely already has a website — but if that website isn't responsive, you're losing out on a growing segment of your ideal and actual clientele.

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Design, Mobile, Websites

How to Add Display Ads to Your Site in Six Easy Steps

There are many options for integrating ads into Wordpress, the solutions for which will vary depending upon your particular needs, but for most scenarios there are a few key points you will want to hit:

  1. Dynamic ads that will change between each page load so you don't see the same ad in the same place all the time.
  2. Easily editable ads. You want to be able to swap ads in and out at a moment's notice.
  3. Support for plain images and links, as well as code snippets like the kind generated by Google AdSense.
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How to, Strategy, Agencies, Display Ads, Advertising

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