Cristina Falcione

Cristina is a marketing intern for Real Estate Ally, based in San Francisco, CA. Real Estate Ally’s mission is to empower Real Estate Agents, Brokers and Owners to take better control of their businesses and manage for improved results through a unified and convenient cloud-based business management solution.

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How to Succeed as a Digital Real Estate Agent Without Really Trying

It is truly amazing to see how much the world of real estate has transformed in the past decade. Modes of communication have doubled on themselves. You don’t just pick up the phone now, but answer e-mails, post photos, retweet tweets, pin items, link up and then blog about it. How does a real estate agent manage all this and - oh yeah - sell houses too? Getting connected online can be a floundering experience, leaving an agent feeling like they’re drowning in the ocean of interwebs. Here are some key tips we’ve found to be most helpful for our users:

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