A Designers' Insight Into Creating a Compelling Logo

Today I will show you some of processes that go into creating a logo. This time I worked with Conversion Strategies, a consulting business that assists their clients with digital strategies to increase web conversions (sign ups, sales, social following, traffic, etc).

They were originally looking for a simple logo with clean lettering but would also like to incorporate what the business does… their first thought was to include a beveled button somehow, second thought was to include a numerator & denominator concept because conversions are simply increasing your numerator or decreasing denominator.

After some thought I came up with idea of using a power button to show that their company will help power up your web conversions. Below are a few of my first proofs. ConversionStrategies_1_website

This one has the power button with arrow to show the full conversion rate of the company. Although the arrows point at each, so that didn’t make much sense.


This time I removed the power button and it ended up looking to much like a recycling symbol.


Then sense they wanted a beveled look, I sent this option. He was really looking for the beveled button look but in my opinion beveled logos are not cool anymore. After a few more renditions of these logos they decided that they wanted to see the first power symbol combined with some sort of button. Below is what I came up with and what was chosen as the final.


I ended up totally dropping the orange color and giving it that chrome power button look (like the apple power button). This is a very condensed description of the design process but I get a lot of questions on how I work with clients ideas and wanted to show that there is always a way to compromise and in the end, both sides are happy with the turn out. Sometimes people have an idea that in their head looks good to them but on paper it just doesn't work and sometimes they have no idea at all. I am happy to work with both.

Do you need a logo? Contact us below!

Posted by Justin Piontek

Justin Piontek

Justin Piontek owns Justin Piontek Graphic Design, based in Madison, Wis., and is a professional mountain biker. He started designing professionally for casinos and has since developed a versatile portfolio including nonprofit and retail clients, among others.

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